This is a picture that I thought was cool. It also displays both the sun and the moon. I personaly like the moon because it is very nice to look at once in a while and to see it rise to the top of you is just breathtaking. I also like to count the moon´s craters(the ones I can see). I can also kind of the yin yang sign in this and that means that there is good in bad at every time. When it comes to comparing between the sun and the moon I like the moon better because I am calmer and also I feel better about myself because I am in a calmer plae and I tell myself things in the night more than the day. The reason I do not like the sun is because it's way to hot and I do not like the heat. The heat makes me sweat and I am very tired and cant think straight.

  • Click Me for Facts About the Moon!!!
  • Click Me for Facts About the Sun!!!